When you search for any type of magnetic cores, your main troubles are: Specific design, high induction, small batches, Iron-Cobalt, bars, big sizes…
TCT managed to keep a home-made manufacture of wound core meeting your requirements, as well as a stock of raw material allowing us to be responsive and to quickly make prototypes.
Our versatile expertise in magnetism gives you the guarantee that we will be able to understand your problems as we experience them ourselves when developing new products for our customers.
TCT is the European reference for solutions conception involving magnetism and induction. We master heat treatment, isolation, coating, impregnation and core cutting (partial or complete).
We can offer the optimal solution for the conception and supply of your wound cores in Iron-Cobalt, Iron-Silicon, Iron-Nickel, Nanocrystalline and Amorphous.
For magnetic components integrators, our R&D department’s continuous improving skill is a major asset for your developments.