TCT offers a large range of sensors for measurement and protection in the energy production sector, as well as solutions for nuclear power plants.
The billing requirements being in full evolution, TCT offers a range of very accurate measurement transformers for the energy billing. Our standard products reach an accuracy of 0.2S but we can also reach 0.1 or even better. Our products are ENEDIS qualified (main Energy distributor in France). Several calibers are available from 100A to 2000A.
With the same accuracy, our sensor can have either solid or split core. On request, we can moreover offer a guarantee of protection against corrosion and/or IP67 waterproofness, in order to ensure a long-lasting accuracy regardless of the conditions of use
Nuclear energy, safety first.
Nuclear industry requirements are very high. Nuclear power plants are monitored by equipment, designed and qualified to resist in any circumstances of Power plant’s life conditions. Depending on their location, the equipment can be exposed to very high temperature, high pressure, radiation and severe seismic tests.
For a daily reliable use, it is compulsory to have robust and ergonomic solutions. TCT has developed a range of protection current transformers dedicated to nuclear plants.
The characteristic of IT neutral system has led us to develop a range of very high sensitivity core balance transformers, allowing permanent insulation check and fault search, even at very low frequency.
The most demanding customers trust us since years: Schneider Electric, Socomec, Comeca, Enedis, ….