High measuring accuracy
The accuracy class defines the maximum allowed ratio error of a current transformer. The class 0.2S specifies that the maximum allowed error in current ratio measurements is 0.2% and 10 minutes for the phase displacement for a primary current range between 20% and 120% of the rated primary current. The letter “S” indicates an enhanced accuracy, especially for low currents, often used in contexts where high accuracy is required, such as energy billing. These transformers are accredited by distributors for power invoicing.
Key strengths
Quick installation
3 types of fastening for all kind of assembly
- on connector board
- on DIN rail
- on bars, by isolated centering
Secure and easy connection
- Secondary circuit connection: terminal block for 6 mm² cables.
- Specific double connection for safety during caliber switch (short cut) and adaptation to primary cable direction
- Possibility to seal the cover in order to prevent unauthorized change of the caliber.